General Category > Newbies Intro

Picking her up tomorrow!

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--- Quote from: zxyogi on March 20, 2007, 05:59:34 PM ---
--- Quote from: GRNINJA on March 20, 2007, 02:36:30 PM ---daz I am 6 ft 1 they fit me like a glove are you taller than this  :dontknow:

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Glenn.....Hope  he is taller than that .... :dontknow: .... as he'll never get on the fooker  ....its  only about 3mm high!!!



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Bet that was really funny in your head buddy  :dontknow:


--- Quote from: CopperKnob on March 19, 2007, 10:20:40 PM ---So tomorrow I pick up a new zx-10r (black; as by all accounts they are faster!) and crossing fingers the snow stays away at least for the ride home.

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Welcome to the site Cooperknob, take it easy for the first 100 ........................................... yards  [rofl]

Ps. every body knows the green one's go faster  [greenie]  :icon_thumright:

hi ther welcome to the zx10r club and welcome to the dark side

Nice 1 kwack... :icon_thumright:  have bhp for being in the Know [rofl]


--- Quote from: GRNINJA on March 20, 2007, 02:36:30 PM ---daz I am 6 ft 1 they fit me like a glove are you taller than this  :dontknow:

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6  foot 4 mate, been in kawasaki newcastle today sat on my bike in workshop feels ok small compared to zx12r but not too small, very low front end though so have ordered a black double bubble .

also does anyone make a good hugger for the 2007 10r the standard thing is tiny (more of a nipple than a hugger  :lol:) would like a normal hugger like the one on 12r any ideas ?  ..   wife is cringing already picked up a demon tweeks catalogue found loads of bits


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