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Crusade to remove vibes from my ZX10

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Tried posting this before but it went wonk ?   :dontknow:

Anyway, any of you guys with an O6' or later 10R. If you've got a problem with vibes through the tank or  bars you may want to try some of these mod's, it certainly improved mine.  Unfortunatly, unless you know different ???  Kawasaki themsleves don't seem to give toss about the problem !


.... and there's more ( click to make it bigger ... the image, I think that's how it works ?  :dontknow: )

at the motocross wee used to get an old bar cut it down & fill it with lead then knock it out & then glue the slug in to the end off the bars this helped big time.

its a shame that you have to add weight though as they spend so much time developing light parts to make the bike lighter  :dontknow:

good call glenn never thought of that mate.


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