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My Green Munster
Nice bike mate, I'm with the rest on the cans. But have to say that if that's what you like good on you for not following the crowd.
Life would be soooo dull if we were all the same and there would be nothing to talk about. :icon_thumright: and besides it's easy to recognise you now. :icon_thumleft:
:iamwithstupid: :headbang:
Andy J:
I like it and yes drop a line in the newbie section to say hello...... it's good to see someone with a non Acra :icon_thumright:
but I haven't seen anyone with the evo 2 hex acra yet :dontknow:
--- Quote from: Andy J on March 17, 2007, 10:12:50 AM ---I like it and yes drop a line in the newbie section to say hello...... it's good to see someone with a non Acra :icon_thumright:
--- End quote ---
yes horse he said ACRA.................... NOT LYCRA :tongue3:
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