I would declare them...but would be surprised if the premiums went up. Most people have 3 points minimum now. I know when I got done last New Year when I told my insurance company they said it didn't make any difference.
I did hear a while back, and not sure if this was accurate, you only need to declare at renewal as they premium you pay is reflective of the time of inception. Otherwise technically, our insurance would always be changing based on market premiums etc. Also, when you take insurance out it calculates it based on the age at your next birthday for this exact reason.
I think they would only not pay out if was shown you didn't declare at the time of buying the insurance you had points. As that would constitute Fraud.
May be worth checking the small print of the insurance and seeing what it says.
I know modifications are seen slightly different as its seen a changing the risk category for the cover so could nullify the insurance. But not sure if this applies to drivers information.