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how good is your chains??
--- Quote from: Andy J on March 16, 2007, 02:17:13 AM ---hey Keiron, I heard that they mixed my pink paint into your yellow a little [rofl] [rofl] :pottytrain2:
Aye, no wheels makes it harder to steal, I think I'll remove them every winter just in case......... :tongue3:
I've got a garage defender, a beast of a chain on both bikes, ground anchors and stinger disc locks so it's all reasnably secure, oh yes and no wheels :pottytrain2:....... shit just realised that I put my grinder back in the garage in error when I was tidying today :emb:
--- End quote ---
Pinky / yellowy Bike mmmmmmmm THAT WORKS.. :icon_thumright:
we'll have to give your bike to horse.... well he has been a bit femenine lately what with the strange post and that tight white t-shirt pink bike would be great
:iamwithstupid: [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]
i got the best security of them all. nosey naboughers.
[rofl] [rofl] :iamwithstupid:
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