General Category > Newbies Intro

Hey Everyone

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--- Quote from: shanezx6r on March 14, 2007, 11:41:14 PM ---Hi. Wheres fox's?

--- End quote ---

foxes (used to be harleys) alsdo refered to as M and P   is about 5/10 miles short of oxford thr :roll:ough caversham or henley has quite a nice ride out.... you could meet us on the M3 junction 4 or 4a and we can blast from there , whoudn't take you lond from croydon way.... ps I'll be down you way on the 22nd as my mate is coming back from Iraq..... poor git has been blown up twice  :roll:

Hello Shane,yeah as Glenn says it aint that far and quite a good ride....specially if we link it up with some of my hooning roads!!

Definately be up for that. You'll have to go gentle with me though. Never been out for a ride with anyone else!!! [rofl]

mate you'll be fine... just take it at you own speed I will let you go at the back so you feel comfortable if ya like.... id we take a turn of we just stop at the next junction :-)



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