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glenn helen to kirk mike (love cronk ya voddy straight)

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Leachie666: me from gelnn helen to kirk michael, nice run through hardly any traffic, she got 300miles on her now so gave it some :icon_thumleft:

 [clap]  I enjoyed that.  Funny how your 10 sounds like a VFR in the clip.. :shock:

Biking heaven them roads mate.   :headbang:   nice vid.   :icon_thumright:

that looked like fun mate...... :icon_thumleft:...........nice roads there....


--- Quote from: iceman on April 01, 2009, 07:58:54 PM --- [clap]  I enjoyed that.  Funny how your 10 sounds like a VFR in the clip.. :shock:

--- End quote ---
I run it without a endcan, v lib' on noise level over here. she just got a little slashcut coming off the bread box underneath.


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