General Category > Newbies Intro
Another Newb
Hello & welcome :occasion14:
hi....and welcome if a may say so .......just new here myself aswell but seems like a good site.....dunno if its any consolation but in my experiance kwaks are somewhat renowned for the rattle on the top end av got a 05 zx10 its the same and 2 mates have o6 636s again they bit tappy the old stuff used to tap aswell.....a mechanic a know told me its wen they go quiet you goptta worry bout it......but hey it wont hurt to ride it into your dealer and ask a question will it.....
--- Quote from: Gix on March 16, 2007, 12:22:15 PM ---hi....and welcome if a may say so .......just new here myself aswell but seems like a good site.....dunno if its any consolation but in my experiance kwaks are somewhat renowned for the rattle on the top end av got a 05 zx10 its the same and 2 mates have o6 636s again they bit tappy the old stuff used to tap aswell.....a mechanic a know told me its wen they go quiet you goptta worry bout it......but hey it wont hurt to ride it into your dealer and ask a question will it.....
--- End quote ---
Hi Gix
Thanks for your reply mate, I have heard from a few people now that their Kwak does rattle, I know old Kwak's rattle, Ive owned some that do, Im not 100% happy that my brand new motorcycle does this though, Ive got it booked in or its 500 mile check on the 7th April and Ive mentioned this to them.
Ill keep you posted.
kool ryan thats the way to go mate just ask the question and get it looked at gives you a piece o mind if nowt else
2 pints of heavy:
welcome to the site...have fun in here..alot of great people :icon_thumright:
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