General Category > Newbies Intro

Howdy from Scotchland

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--- Quote from: slim_boy_fat on March 10, 2007, 12:18:03 PM ---Thanks everyone, looking forward to joining in.

My last ride was a Firestorm, which to be honest was a very nice bike, had some nice carbon cans and ohilns rear.

Ran if for a year and sold it last Sept  for same money i bought it for.

Looking forward to a bit more grunt with the ZX10.  This will be my first proper superbike,  :headbang:

--- End quote ---

Well remeber you respect the 10 pal, & it will respect you.  She aint no firestorm mate so enjoy :icon_thumright:

Welcome mate  :occasion14:

Where abouts in Scotland are you?


zx10r bob:
hello matey................ :headbang: :headbang:

welcome on board,im hoping to do some good miles in scotybotland,,,so we will have to meet up and you can show us round............................. :-P :-P

I with keiron... I respect mine lots... I ride it like a fanny  [rofl]

hi man ,a fellow scot where u from ,welcome to the world of the 10 ,warp speed


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