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What do ya do when it snows n ya wanna play on ya bike? This!!
3min clip of me n my mate playing in the snow,had a play with windows movie maker for the 1st time n came up with this.
Just had some propper tyres put on my DR350, bring on the MUD! :headbang:
Andy J:
looks like you lads had some fun there :icon_thumright:
good to see you took the sensible option Si :icon_thumright:
--- Quote from: Andy J on March 05, 2009, 10:59:42 PM ---good to see you took the sensible option Si :icon_thumright:
--- End quote ---
for the price it was rude not to mate! :headbang:
--- Quote from: Si-tastic on March 05, 2009, 10:38:56 PM ---Just had some propper tyres put on my DR350, bring on the MUD! :headbang:
--- End quote ---
bring it to the IOM mile after mile of green lanes to play on, it bikers heaven here :-P
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