Bike Stuff > Two Wheel waffle for all

What's best

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Right I already know the answer...but a question for you...what Bikes better the ZX10R or the CBR1000RR Fireblade...serious question...ish... ;-)

Andy J:
don't see any difference in the biks of the same capacity really, it all comes down to what floats your boat really....... :walk:

Build quality perhaps for the Honda...
Reputation of being exciting to the Kwak...
Honda Riders more Handsome and intelligent perhaps....
Honda Riders more capable perhaps...


Andy J:
Ahem..................... yes you are so right  :icon_scratch:

HONDA = all say' doh, I knew there was an anogram in there somewhere  [rofl]

well honda's aint they like safe boring lifeless machine with nothing good going for them but reliablity...

where as kwaks are the bestest in the worldie and nothing ever beast them.... [rofl]


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