Gallery > Modification Gallery

Project Rex

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Cheers Ian!!  :icon_thumright:

Just because the 10 emasculated you, now you have to build a "muscle bike".
(sorry, just upset that you won't be riding with me on the 10 anymore...  (part of the grieving process))

looks a pretty good :icon_thumleft:

i like old sckool aswell :lol:


--- Quote from: Manga_Girl on December 19, 2008, 11:52:30 PM ---Just because the 10 emasculated you, now you have to build a "muscle bike".
(sorry, just upset that you won't be riding with me on the 10 anymore...  (part of the grieving process))

--- End quote ---

I thought this was an addition to the 10, not a replacement ?   :dontknow:

Looking good whatever, only thing I can fault is those front indicators, look way too small & out of proportion with the rest of the bike.   [naughty]

Andy J:
have to agree with Pat the those indies do look out of proportion a bit fella, loving the rex though  :icon_thumright:

 it's a great imtermediate step towards a Hardley  [whistle] [rofl]


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