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Saffie's bike these wheels really set it off

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--- Quote from: Andy J on March 03, 2007, 09:18:27 AM ---this post wins the award for the most drunken thread to date for the site  [rofl] [rofl]

I think that painted wheels is the way to go, I like those  :icon_thumright:

--- End quote ---

 :iamwithstupid: [rofl] [rofl] [rofl]

mate of mine    (ex army - explains a lot!!) used to drink quite merrily... ran out of absinth playing drinkin games, so they moved onto surgical spirit... the 500ml bottle didnt last long, so they moved onto windolene.. as you do!

erm sorry mate , sounds like a tit to me even the Para's weren't stupid enough to do that :dontknow:

well we just settled for our own piss when we ran out!


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