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Can't see my Avitar only a cross in the box.

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Need help already typical you want to get off on the right hoof and bobs the builder trouble already  :'(

Have uploaded me trusty Avitar but no picture just a RED CROSS in the box, Now i know how to get round this but due to my age i've forgotten..

So help an old Ass plz ;D


--- Quote from: DONKEY on September 29, 2006, 08:48:54 PM ---Hi,
Need help already typical you want to get off on the right hoof and bobs the builder trouble already  :'(

Have uploaded me trusty Avitar but no picture just a RED CROSS in the box, Now i know how to get round this but due to my age i've forgotten..

So help an old Ass plz ;D

--- End quote ---

try now... I think it was something to do with resizing I think I have added the correct module :-)

By the way welcome aboard very happy to have you here  ;D ;D ;D

Still no joy, If i click on the cross and select show pictures there is a delay as the box disappears then it returns with the cross in and no picy,  Deep shame and red facedness >:( >:( >:(


--- Quote from: DONKEY on September 29, 2006, 09:42:02 PM ---Still no joy, If i click on the cross and select show pictures there is a delay as the box disappears then it returns with the cross in and no picy,  Deep shame and red facedness >:( >:( >:(

--- End quote ---

are you ticking the correct box in the browse and upload box?

Yah just checked.
I have Image shack host my Avitar from my Docs, Tis the same Donkey that i use on the Ninja site so i know that side is ok.
I must be doing something wrong as i can see yours   >:( >:(


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